Chapter 8 The Giza Plateau
One of the seven world wonders is the Great Pyramid at the Giza plateau by the side of the Nile near Cairo. The pyramid has been researched since the dawn of modern history. Piles of books have been written about the enigmatic Great Pyramid alone. Many of these books stem from Egyptian archaeologists. Egyptologists haven’t changed their view about the Great Pyramid very much in the last hundred years. Pyramidologists date the construction of the Great Pyramid back to 2589 B.C. and it is supposedly created as a burial site, the tomb of pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek). Leading pyramid expert is Dr. Zahi Hawass, chairman of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) in Egypt, who fiercely adheres to the tomb theory of the Great Pyramid. Although there is a sarcophagus inside the King’s chamber of the Great Pyramid, no mummy has ever been found inside the pyramid. This sarcophagus must have been made inside the pyramid since due to its size it cannot be removed from the King’s chamber any more.
In the last decade scientists have started to doubt the age and purpose of the Great Pyramid. Gradually as the Great Pyramid reveals more of its secrets, the tomb theory becomes less acceptable. Indications are that the Great Pyramid must have been built by a highly intelligent civilisation that must have had a scientific understanding and access to techniques even beyond our own.
The Great Pyramid consists of two million limestone blocks, has the height of a forty-story building and the width of two and a half football fields. The foundation of the pyramid is bedrock chiselled with a precision of only 2 centimetres off perfect level. Even today with all our technical know-how and laser precision craftsmanship according to specialists we are not able to build a structure like the Great Pyramid which such precision! We simply do not have the mechanical technology available to carve the stones that construct the pyramid with the precision that has been used!
In fact attempts have been made to prove that the pyramid could be constructed using the known ancient Egyptian tools and methods. Egyptologist Mark Lehner has made an attempt with a large group of people but failed to even create a 6 m scale model of the pyramid. He had to call in the help of a truck with a winch to get the blocks out of the quarry. In the late seventies a Japanese team funded by Nissan made another attempt to create an 18 m high scale model using the same primitive ancient Egyptian tools such as chisels and hammers. The once so proud Japanese team returned home disillusioned and embarrassed, since they had to use jackhammers to cut the hard stone, were unable to get the stones across the Nile and eventually had to use bulldozers, a truck and even a helicopter to get the blocks stacked to a pile that remotely resembled a pyramid. In both attempts made to reconstruct the pyramid, only small blocks were carved from the quarry but remember that the real pyramid contains blocks with the weight of a steam engine locomotive!
Also consider that these stones are so perfectly carved and the mortar joints are so terribly thin that you can’t even get a sheet of paper in between them! The mortar joints are terribly strong, far stronger that the mortar that we use nowadays. The stones seem more or less glued or fused together. The smallest blocks weigh a ton. The average block however weighs 2,5 tons up to even 70 tons. How could the Egyptians lift these very heavy blocks with such precision to the height of a forty-story building? Although there are some theories, we simply don’t know for sure. The massive construction of the pyramid is aligned with a precision of only 3 minutes and 6 seconds off perfect alignment to the 4 cardinal points.
The Giza Plateau contains three pyramids along with a number of satellite pyramids around the bigger pyramids. We also find the famous Sphinx on the Giza Plateau. The three big pyramids are named after the Pharaohs that according to the Egyptologists ordered for their construction as a mausoleum:
- The Great Pyramid of Khufu (or Cheops)
- The pyramid of Khafre (or Chefren)
- The pyramid of Menkaure (or Mycerinos)

From left to right, Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu
It would appear the reason Mark Lehner and the Japanese team from Nissan failed to reconstruct even miniature models of the Great Pyramid is that the required technique is beyond our technology, even today! Egyptologists still claim that all work has been done using primitive chisels and hammers, the Egyptians simply had plenty of time and plenty of slaves to do the job.
The sarcophagi that were found inside the chambers of the pyramids are made of extremely hard granite. Although no mummy was ever found inside these sarcophagi, Egyptologists still want us to believe that they were used as coffins. They even came up with the primitive tools that were used to hollow the granite blocks for the sarcophagus; a hard diorite ball on a stick used to batter the rock.
In 1995, Christopher Dunn, a high tech aerospace manufacturer investigated the sarcophagus of the Khafre pyramid. He had brought along with him some precision measuring instruments and climbed inside the sarcophagus to measure the smoothness of the interior in order to determine the degree of precision that had been used in the carving. What he found was nothing less than astonishing; the inside of the box was so perfectly smooth and flat, that a flashlight shone from behind a straight edge would not reveal any light passing through. All edges in the box were perfectly square and the surfaces perfectly flat. The curvature of the inside corners was so small and the edges so sharp, that it is totally impossible that these corners were created by battering with balls with the diameter they are supposed to have. Since Dunn couldn’t measure a single deviation from a perfectly flat surfaces and perfect square corners, in his enthusiasm and utter amazement from his discovery he yelled ‘Space-Age precision’. Christopher Dunn has had many other granite artefacts examined and his conclusion is that those precisions could only have been achieved using machinery.
It has become more and more obvious that the Great Pyramid in particular and the Giza Plateau in general has been designed to encode sophisticated scientific knowledge in many ways, there seems to be no coincidences. Every discovered detail has a meaning than we’ve just started to unravel. Archaeologists got stuck in their single and only explanation for the pyramids and made us believe that they served as tombs for the Pharaohs such that we missed the whole point! For centuries the Giza plateau has been studied through the eyes of archaeologists and historians but in the last two decades that has changed.
Originally the Great Pyramid was covered with a 144.000 white granite casing stones, giving it a smooth polished surface. In ancient times the reflections from the Sun must have been noticeable from miles away. The Egyptians called their pyramid ‘Ta Khut’ which translates into ‘The Light’. Muslims in later times robbed the Great Pyramid of its casing stones to build the mosques in Cairo. The only remains of the casing stones are found at the base of the Great Pyramid and the top of the pyramid of Kahfre. It is from these stones that the exact dimensions of the Pyramids have been determined. The capstone that should seal the top of the Great Pyramid is missing.
In this chapter we will just show a few facts that underpin the claim that the pyramids must have been built by a highly advanced civilization that had access to a technology better than our own! According to Edgar Cayce eventually the Great Pyramid will reveal all of its secrets when the Hall of Records is opened and proof will be found of its Atlantean origin.
The Hall of Records is supposedly a large storage room hidden somewhere under the Giza plateau that is believed to contain advanced Atlantean equipment. Some conjecture that the missing capstone is a miniature version of the Great Pyramid with all the interior details and speculate that this capstone is buried in the Hall of Records. Edgar Cayce gave directions to the location of the Hall of Records and hinted at the left paw of the Sphinx where the entry to the Hall of Records should be found. John Anthony West and Robert M. Schoch in the course of investigating the weathering of the Sphinx to determine its age, detected by means of seismic scanning the Giza plateau, that an underground chamber beneath the Sphinx’s paws actually exists, exactly where Cayce had predicted it.
The conclusion of West and Schoch’s research on the erosion of the Sphinx was that is was actually water and not desert sand and wind that had caused the erosion of the base. This would mean that the erosion could only have occurred from rainfall in the post ice age period of 10.000 BC to 5.000 BC before the green Sahara savannah turned into desert. They concluded that the Sphinx must have been carved before this period and was linked to an ancient civilisation, possibly Atlantis.
Also archaeologist Howard Middleton-Jones claims to have found the exact location of the Hall of Records on the Giza plateau. He also claims that the Ark of the Covenant, the tabernacle that contains the Ten Commandments of Moses, is buried inside the Great Pyramid. The entrance to the Ark of the Covenant should be in the Great Gallery at the junction that leads to the Queen’s chamber on the one hand and to the King’s chamber on the other. He came to this conclusion after carefully studying the book Exodus in which God explains in detail to Moses the construction of the Ark. Howard Middleton-Jones is quite sure that what is actually described in the book Exodus is the staircase leading up to the King’s chamber of the Great Pyramid, known as the Grand Gallery. Now if Howard Middleton-Jones is right we could be expecting some interesting discoveries in the future.
But just let’s not be drawn into speculations about the Great Pyramid instead let’s have a look at some very provable mathematical facts.
The mathematical constants
The pyramid encodes the mathematical constants for Pi and Phi and the natural logarithm e! These three constants play a very significant role in mathematics and physics. The origin of these constants has for centuries puzzled mathematicians and scientists and it still remains a mystery, but the fact is that these mystical constants show up everywhere in nature. All of the three constants Pi, Phi and e have been incorporated into one and the same structure, the Great Pyramid! This in itself is a very remarkable fact and proves the ingenuity of the builders of the Great Pyramid.
By no means is it possible that these constants show up accidentally by piling up some rocks. Pi and Phi were found first; however it took until 2003 before Rick D. Howard eventually discovered the natural logarithm constant. He developed a theory called the Triple-Triangular-Theory (TTT) that mathematically underpins the presence of all three constants in the Great Pyramid.
In the picture below are the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in royal cubits. The royal cubit is an ancient length measure used by the Egyptians.

Dimensions of the Great Pyramid in royal cubits.
The mathematic value of Pi defines the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and is found in the pyramid.
- Pi can be found taking twice the base length of the pyramid divided by its height: Pi = 2 * 440/280 = 880/280 = 22/7 approximating Pi = 3.14159.
The Golden Ratio or Phi is found in the pyramid in the following way:
- Phi is found when the length of the sloping side of the pyramid is divided by half the base length of the pyramid, Phi = 356/220 = 1.618 (220 is the half of the base of the pyramid).
I’ve left out the proof for the base of the natural logarithm e since the Triple-Triangular Theory is rather complex.
The fact that the pyramid encodes Pi and Phi and e, the most profound constants in nature shows that the builders of the pyramid must have had a mathematical understanding of the importance of these constants. (4)
Now the Great Pyramid is not the only structure in ancient Egypt that contains these remarkable constants. Schwaller de Lubicz who studied the Temple at Luxor from 1837 to 1952 has amassed evidence that the Egyptians had used the Golden Mean ratio (Phi) ingeniously in many ways in the architecture of the temple. Before de Lubicz’s research, the discovery of the Golden Mean was credited to the Greeks. His findings were irrefutable proof that the Egyptians had a mathematical understanding a thousand years before Pythagoras.
Location of the Great Pyramid
The location where the Great Pyramid has been built is very remarkable to say the least; it could be related to the speed of light! The speed of light is exactly 299.792.458 meter/seconds or 29,9792458 x 10 million meters per second.
Originally the meter was defined as 10 millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the equator in the SI system (1791). If we divide the speed of light by the distance from the equator to the North Pole, we get the number: 29,9792458. This is the latitude of a line at half the distance between Khufu and Khafre of exactly 29.9792458 degrees North.
It could be an indication that the location of the Giza Plateau was deliberately chosen to represent the speed of light.
Another indication that the builders of the Great Pyramid were aware of the speed of light is found in the number of casing stones that were used in the construction.
From the discoveries made by Bruce Cathie, the one who discovered the octahedron and the cube in the Earth grid, we know that there is a fascinating coincidence between the speed of light, the Gematria value for light and the number of casing stones of the Great Pyramid. What Bruce Cathie did is that he expressed the regular value of the speed of light in another measurement. He called it the grid speed of light; the speed light takes to travel along the Earth grid lines. Cathie proposed a different time unit. He introduced the grid second as a replacement for the current second as a unit of time. Instead of there being 3 * 8 hours in a day, he proposed a 3 * 9 = 27 grid hours in a day. He also used a different measure for distance; he used a radial displacement, the radial arc bow on a circle of 360 degrees. Next he recalculated the speed of light as the number of arc minutes (1/60th of a degree) light travels along the 360 degree circle (the Earth) per grid second (supposing there are 27 grid hours in day). Much to his surprise he found the grid speed of light to be the very harmonious value of 144.000 grid arcs per grid second.
So the harmonic value 144.000 for the speed of light matches with the number of casing stones that were used to cover the Great Pyramid. If we add in the fact that the Gnostic Kabbalah equates the Gematria value for light to the number 144, we can safely assume these numbers that are showing up are not coincidences and that the builders of the Giza Plateau most likely knew the speed of light!
Remember also the facts that the location of the Great Pyramid is the exact location of the North Pole of the Earth grid and that it is the unique location on Earth where the maximum of landmass in relation to water is found!
The Giza Plateau therefore is a unique location on Earth and it is therefore hard to believe that this fact has gone unrecognised by its designers!
The Giza plateau and the inner planets
The dimensions of the Great Pyramid are the first strong indications that the builders hinted at representing the dimensions of the Earth. The Earth is not a perfect sphere; the radius from the poles to the center is smaller than the radius of the equator to the center. Therefore the Earth is flattened like a football that is squashed when someone sits on it. This is attributed to centrifugal forces, a result of the Earths spinning on its polar axis. These imperfect spherical dimensions of the Earth are perfectly reflected in the Great Pyramid. The perimeter of the pyramid represents the equatorial radius of the Earth. The perimeter of the pyramid equals to half a minute of Earth’s equatorial longitude. In other words if we take the perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply it by 2 * 60 * 360 = 43.200 we get the circumference of the Earth along the equator in kilometres. This proves to be correct from satellite measurements with a 99,5 % accuracy. The height of the Great Pyramid represents the polar radius of the Earth. If we take the height of the pyramid and multiply it by the same value of 43.200 to maintain ratio we get the polar radius of the Earth with an accuracy of 99.3 %. So it seems more than reasonable to assume that the Great Pyramid was indeed deliberately designed to represent the Earth. These facts cannot be dismissed as being purely coincidental.
The height of the Great Pyramid also seems to be a reference to the distance between the Sun and the Earth! The height of the pyramid is 280 royal cubits. The distance between the Earth and the Sun measured in kilometres is 147 x 10^6 Km and equals 280 x 10^9 royal cubits! So the distance between the Earth and the Sun is exactly a billion times the height of the pyramid. In the chapter about sacred geometry we also demonstrated that the Great Pyramid expresses the ratio in size between the Earth and the moon by ‘squaring the circle’.
From these examples, we may get the impression that the Great Pyramid is indirect proof of the existence of harmonic geometrical relations between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. John Martineau in ‘A little book of coincidence’ indeed has proven that such harmonic relations exist between all the celestial bodies of our Solar System. With the aid of sacred geometry he explained all the orbits of the planets of our Solar System and showed that they are based on intrinsic harmonic principles. Johannes Kepler the great astronomer had always believed that the orbits of the planets could be geometrically explained; in fact he believed that the Platonic solids were the key to the mysteries of their orbits.
In 1994 Robert Bauval in ‘The Orion Mystery’ proposed a now popular theory that assumes that the three pyramids on the Giza plateau are aligned to the three stars of the Orion constellation. The Nile according to Bauval corresponds to the Milky Way. The pyramids on the ground represent the positions of the three stars of the Orion constellation at 10,500 BC (As above so below) according to Bauval. The date of 10,500 BC perfectly corresponds with the date 10.490 BC for the construction of the Great Pyramid given by Edgar Cayce.
While the popular Orion alignment of the Giza plateau is still debated, there is also a less popular cosmic relation that can be proven relatively easily. This cosmic releation, a discovery made by Clive Ross, again shows that the Great Pyramid was built to represent the Earth.
Clive Ross discovered that the three pyramids on the Giza plateau cleverly correspond with the four inner planets of the Solar System, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars with the emphasis on Venus. But how can three pyramids correspond with four planets?
The correlation between the pyramids and the planets is as follows:
- P1 : The Great Pyramid of Khufu represents Earth
- P2 : The pyramid of Khafre represents Venus
- P3 : The pyramid of Menkaure represents both Mars and Mercury
photo of the Giza plateau, on the right depicting the planets |
The correspondence of the middle pyramid with Venus to my opinion may be a hint as to the identity of the builders of the Giza Plateau. We will reveal that later.
Now the three pyramids relate in ratio with the four inner planets of the Solar System in three different ways:
- The base of each pyramid corresponds with the diameter of their corresponding planet
- The angle between P1-P2 and P2-P3 relates to the solar orbital time differences between Earth and Mars.
- The distances between the pyramids relates to the relative distances between the planets.
Without bothering you with the exact numbers we simply state that: the smallest pyramid P3 corresponds to the average diameter of both Mercury and Mars. The builders of the pyramid probably used two kinds of colours in the casing stones to discern the dimensions of both Mars and Mercury in one pyramid. The central pyramid P2 corresponds to Venus and, the Khufu pyramid (P1) corresponds to the planet Earth.
We must keep in mind that the dimensions of the pyramids are related to the diameters of the planets and that the ratios that were calculated are within an accuracy that requires the exact measures of the planets that science has only been able to achieve by using satellites! And here we have a structure in the middle of a sandpit that demonstrates the ratios between the dimensions of the planets and base lengths of the pyramids with the same accuracy!
The three pyramids are not aligned in a straight line; they actually make an angle of 191.6 degrees. (180 degrees would be a straight line). Remember that this is the ‘angle’ between the pyramids representing Earth and Mars/Mercury.
Planet Earth orbits the 360 degrees around the Sun in 365.25 days. Planet Mars however requires 686.98 days. Now let’s calculate how much of the 360 degrees of a full circle Mars has covered when the Earth has completed its revolution around the Sun:
The angle would be: 365.25 / 686.98 * 360 = 191.4 degrees!
This is also the exact angle between the pyramids representing Mars and Earth! Coincidence? Not when we realize that the relative distance between the planets was also taken into account when the pyramids were situated on the Giza Plateau. Let’s have a look.
The distance in a straight line between P1 and P3 is 36857 inches.
The distance in a straight line between P1 and P2 is 19169 inches.
The exact ratio between the two distances is
P1-P3 / P1-P2 = 36857 / 19169 = 1.92
Now measuring the corresponding distances between the planets is not such a simple fact. The distance between the planets is not constant, due to the elliptical orbits of the planets around the Sun. Johannes Kepler discovered the elliptical orbit of the planets four hundred years ago but the ancients that constructed the Great Pyramid must have known about it too.
They cleverly used the distance between the Earth and Mercury when Mercury is farthest away from the Sun. In this case the distance between Earth and Mercury is 79.76 x 10⁹ m. The distance between Earth and Venus is 41.39 x 10⁹ m.
The ratio now in distance between Mercury and the Earth and Earth and Venus is 79.76/41.39 = 1.92
This is the exact same ratio in distance between the planets that has been used in the distances between the pyramids. Again, the accuracy is just stunning!
There are other clues that indicate that the Great Pyramid corresponds with the Earth. The length of the Earth’s solar year is perfectly reflected in the construction of the Great Pyramid in two ways! The first reference to the solar year is reflected in the length of the base of the Great Pyramid that is exactly 36,524.22 Primitive Inches in length or 365.2422 sacred Egyptian cubits in length!
The second reference to the length of the Earth’s solar year is found inside the pyramid where we find a small room in between the King’s chamber and the Great Gallery called the Ante-chamber. When a circle is drawn inside this room touching all the walls, the circumference of this circle is exactly: 365.25 inches, a perfect reference to the number of days in a solar year! The total length of a solar year is 365 days, 5 hours and 49 minutes, hence 365.25 days!
Both the dimensions of the base of the pyramid and the Ante-chamber seem to have been chosen to depict the number of days in an Earthly year.
The Great Pyramid’s purpose may well be that of a big crystal harnessing the torsion waves of the Earth. It is situated at the exact North Pole of the Earth grid where the most powerful torsion waves arise from the Earth. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, the Great Pyramid has been placed such that the apexes of the pyramids are exactly in the course of a Phi spiral. In fact all three pyramids are aligned to this Phi spiral.
It’s not unthinkable that the primary function of the pyramids was to stabilize the Earth grid and protect the Earth from earthquakes, volcanic activity and maybe even pole shifts.
If the Great Pyramid was used to harness the torsion waves of the Earth, we should not forget that the torsion wave energy is also conscious energy. From sources such as Edgar Cayce, David Wilcock and Drunvalo Melchizedek the story goes that the Egyptians used the Great Pyramid as an instrument for spiritual initiation, healing and awakening.
Prior to the final initiation in the Great Pyramid, initiates went through the secret teachings of the right eye of Horus and learned about sacred geometry and maybe even aether physics. The Egyptians believed that creation all arose from the primeval waters, the Nun (ether). Paragraph 1146 of the Pyramid Texts relates the story of a primeval cosmic serpent Iru-To who emerged from the primeval waters to create the physical world. These are Iru-To’s words from the Pyramid Texts:
I am the outflow of the Primeval Flood, he who emerged from the waters. I am the ‘Provider of Attributes’ serpent with its many coils. I am the Scribe of the Divine Book which says what has been and affects what is yet to be.
What I believe is being described here is the aether physics of Paul La Violette and Daniel Winter. The torsion wave (Phi spiral serpent Iru-To) spontaneously emerges from the aether (primeval waters) to create form (‘the attributes’) out of the formless aether. The torsion wave is the Scribe of the ancient Akashic records, the equivalent of Ervin Laslo’s A-field, the torsion wave information field that permeates all of space and is the memory of the universe. (See chapter 6 ‘Ether Vibrations’)
Another interesting fact is that the serpent Iru-To is depicted with two heads. This could symbolize the fact that the torsion wave can be created from two opposite electromagnetic waves as has been suggested by Tom Bearden. Metaphorically the two-headed snake could also symbolize the duality that came into existence from the Oneness when Iru-To emerged from the primeval waters. When the first forms where created from the Oneness of the aether, the wholeness of creation was separated.
In spell 321 of the Coffin Texts, the cosmic serpent Iru-To continues:
I extended everywhere, in accordance with what was to come into existence, I bent right around myself. I was encircled in my coils; one who made a place for himself in the midst of his coils.
If this isn’t a perfect description of a static torsion field, the doughnut torus explained by Daniel Winter then what else is? The fact that the serpent made a place for himself in the center could indicate that this form is also the focal point of awareness, the place where consciousness dwells.
The serpent also plays an important role in the ancient Egyptian caduceus symbol; the winged staff with two serpents twined in seven turns around it. It was the symbol carried by Toth or Hermes Trismegistus. According to Edgar Cayce and other sources, Toth was the builder of the Great Pyramid. The caduceus is a beautiful example of the spiralling-in of the torsion wave in a vortex shape.
The caduceus
So finally the Egyptians that had passed through the schools of the right eye and left eye of Horus got their initiation into higher truths inside the Great Pyramid. They were placed inside the sarcophagus, the big coffer inside the King’s chamber. The coffer was placed in the focal point of the pyramid (pyr amid = fire in the middle!) such that the strong torsion wave energy changed the conscious state of the graduate undergoing the initiation process. The former mentioned sources reveal that the Egyptians could create self-induced out of body experiences in this way. An out of body experience is an experience whereby the individual’s consciousness is no longer bound by the physical body but is free to travel any place it likes even inter-dimensionally. Many people have experienced a near death experience (NDE) a temporary form of outer body experience (OBE) while on the operating table. Although many patients have reported such experiences the whole subject is still a taboo in our Western society, however in 2001 the Dutch cardiologist Pim van Lommel was the first scientist to publish a serious scientific report in the medical magazine ‘the Lancet’ about the reality of near death experiences that had happened to so many of his patients.
If the initiation in the Great Pyramid was successful the graduate was awakened and returned with supernatural abilities to heal and perform wonders. According to the Edgar Cayce’s readings Jesus is the reincarnation of one of the builders of the Great Pyramid, Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice Greatest, also known as Toth the Atlantean. Toth got the help from an Egyptian priest by the name Ra-Ta who later reincarnated as Edgar Cayce himself! Hermes, the Thrice Greatest alias Toth, meticulously designed the pyramid for his future awakening as the historical Jesus of Nazareth who by his initiation in the Great Pyramid awakened to the Christ consciousness, according to the Cayce readings. There are many biblical historians who claim that Jesus indeed spent a long time in Egypt.
Most people think that Jesus and the Christ are just synonyms. However the Christ is the perfect awakened man, he who has attained universal consciousness. Jesus of Nazareth is just one of many prophets like the Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Krishna and many others in history who had attained this state of enlightened consciousness. I believe that the essence of Jesus’ teaching is that he was trying to teach us that Christ consciousness lies dormant in each and every one of us.
A Bible in stone
Interior of the Great Pyramid
In June 30, 1932 Edgar Cayce gave a reading about the Great Pyramid.
Here’s a quote from his reading on that day:
All changes that came in the religious thought in the word are shown there, in variations in which the passage through same is reached, from the base to the top or to the open tomb and the top. These are signified by both the layer and the colour and in what direction the turn is made.
What Edgar Cayce’s is saying here is that the Great Pyramid precisely encodes the history and future of religious turns that are taken in the world. In other words it is a giant Bible in stone. From the base to the top of the pyramid the internal passages in the pyramid encode the rise and fall of spiritual awareness by means of the turns in the passage (ascending or descending angle), the kind of rock that is being used and the rock’s colour.
Peter Lemusier discovered just exactly what Edgar Cayce had been describing in his reading on June 30, 1932.
According to Lemusier, the Great Pyramid has been meticulously designed to mark all historical events from the last 4000 years into our present time. Lemusier found that an inch in the passageway corresponds to the length of a year. The Enoch circle in the Ante-Chamber was the perfect key for the translation of length (an inch) into time (a year).
The start date was fixed by Lemusier and proven by means of two ‘Scored Lines’ that were marked in the descending passageway close to the entrance of the pyramid. Lemusier proved that these lines aligned on the spring equinox with the Pleaides star cluster in 2141 BC. From this rare conjunction the start date of the time line that the pyramid encodes could be determined to be the summer solstice of 2623 BC, according to Lemusier.
The height of the space between the floor and the ceiling of the passageway is also an indication of the progress in spiritual awareness. If the height increases it means progress, if it decreases it means decline.
From the entrance of the Great Pyramid (BC 2623, reign of Pharaoh Khufu) there is a descending passage all the way to a subterranean chamber underneath the pyramid. Halfway the descending passageway we find an intersection with an ascending passage that leads to both the Queen’s and King’s chamber. The intersection of the descending passage and the ascending passage is the time in history that corresponds with the Exodus (1453 BC) of Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt. It was marked as a time of great spiritual progress. According to the Bible, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai and instructed him to worship only one God. In history this event marked the transition from polytheism to monotheism. At that time Moses’ people lived in Egypt where they worshiped all the neters (Gods) of the Egyptians and followed a polytheistic religion.
Inside the Grand Gallery coming from the ascending passageway, all of a sudden the space between floor and ceiling rises immensely. The entrance to the Grand Gallery demarcates the Ascension of Jesus of Nazareth. (33 BC 1st April). By the way the pyramid encodes Jesus’ birth date as exactly 27th Sept 2 BC.
At the end of the Grand Gallery there is an elevation known as the Great Step. The Great Step puzzled Peter Lemusier and he didn’t know what to make of it.
When Edgar Cayce was asked at the time what the Great Step signified he explained that it marks the period of 1958 to 1998 the 40 year period indicated by Edgar Cayce as the time of the many Earth changes that would take place (see the epilogue of this book).
Edgar Cayce predicted his own return in 1998 as well! He didn’t say he would reincarnate in this year but he simply mentioned he would be back by this year. We will later reveal that indeed he returned in this year. According to Edgar Cayce the King’s chamber symbolizes our present era. It is the end of the timeline indicating the time of immense progress, a spiritual revolution. The King’s chamber may well be related to the 2012 predictions, the end of the Mayan calendar and the time of great change. What this book is trying to prove is that we live in an extraordinary time in which science and spirituality are merging. This is an immense progress in spiritual terms. If the Great Pyramid is indeed a Bible in stone we may start to understand that our current spiritual advancement is reflected in the Great Pyramid by the King’s chamber. The builders of the Great Pyramid may have left it as a gift to our current civilization to be decoded. Only by means of our current scientific advancement do we now have the capacity to really fully understand this mysterious pile of rocks that has puzzled mankind for ages.
Maybe the greatest mystery of all, if the pyramid has a timeline that perfectly predicts the future, how were the builders of the pyramid able to see into the future? Did they use induced outer body travelling as a means of time travelling?
King’s chamber and DNA
Sonic experiments performed in the King’s chamber showed that the King’s chamber has a series of acoustic resonance frequencies that correspond with perfect musical notes! The coffer inside the King’s chamber for instance has a perfect resonance frequency of 440 Hz, the ground note A, the frequency of a tuning fork.
Four other resonance frequencies were found in the King’s chamber. These correspond with the musical notes F#, A, C# and D#. These notes are the notes of the F sharp melodic minor scale (F#). Indian shamans tuned their ceremonial flutes to F sharp because they believed that it is a frequency that is attuned to mother Earth.
Now we may remember from the Cymatics studies that the Platonic solids emerge from the perfect sound frequencies of the diatonic musical scale. So it would be no surprise if pure tonal frequencies were found in the Earth grid frequencies.
The amazing thing is that the resonance frequencies of the King’s chamber correspond with the resonance frequencies that were found in the 4 nucleotides of the DNA molecule. This amazing structure has only 4 basic building blocks, the DNA bases adenine (A), cytonsine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). Two out of four of these nucleotides can be joined to form a base pair and these base pairs are sequenced to a DNA string. The complete DNA is a spiralling helix of three billion of such base pairs.
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry David W. Deamer of the University of California, Santa Cruz measured with infrared light the resonance frequencies of all the 4 bases of DNA. Each base resonated to an average of 15 frequencies, 60 frequencies in total. In 1988 Susan Alexjander, holding a Masters degree in Music Composition and Theory and presently teaching at university level at several universities in California, contacted David W. Deamer with a simple question; ‘can we hear frequencies in the body’. As a response, David Deamer provided her with the data from his research on DNA frequencies.
From here Susan Alexjander started her own research to find out if these resonance frequencies from the DNA bases were completely random or contained some hitherto undiscovered relationship, such as the ratio’s defined in music. The first thing that came to mind was to use a technique to make these high electromagnetic frequencies audible. She used a technique that is often used in music and transposed the higher octave frequencies of light down to the octave of sound. (Remember from our chapter about sacred geometry that the colours of the rainbow are the 7 keys in the diatonic scale transposed to the 48th octave)
The next thing Susan did was she fed the 60 transposed DNA frequencies into a Yamaha DX7 programmable synthesizer. The pitches were not perfect musical notes, however after a few weeks of ‘tuning’ she found that the frequencies were centered around 4 pure musical notes. The notes that she found, you guessed it, are the same resonance frequencies of the King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid!
Susan Alexjander recorded her DNA music played on the DX7 synthesizer on a CD titled ‘Sequencia’. People that listened to the CD reported feelings of connectedness and familiarity.
Now this discovery lends much credit to the claims made by Edgar Cayce and others that the Great Pyramid was used for healing. It seems no coincidence that the resonance frequencies that were used in the King’s chamber correspond with the resonance frequencies of the DNA bases.
The more we know about the Great Pyramid, the more wondrous the seventh world wonder becomes. Egyptologists are still holding on to the idea that the Great Pyramid was built to serve as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu, however this idea has become just ludicrous. The pyramid is much older than claimed and must have been built by a culture far superior to the Egyptians. Even today we simply don’t have the technology to build an edifice like the Great Pyramid. The reason why Egyptologists cling on to their own archaic theories is that they have no other choice but to defend them. Many Egyptologists are Muslim and the Koran simply states that the Earth is no older than 4000 years. So they simply don’t buy any theory that may date the Great Pyramid to a timeframe before the established date of construction 2589 B.C.
The Great Pyramid and the Giza complex can be regarded as a gift of an ancient culture to a future generation provided that they had developed to a scientific level of understanding such that it could unravel all its hidden secrets. As more evidence is accumulated it becomes more credible that Edgar Cayce was right about the pyramid’s purpose for spiritual initiation and healing. Another purpose could be that it served as a balancing instrument for the Earth’s energy grid.
In the next chapter we will further delve into the mysteries of the human DNA. The builders of the Great Pyramid must have had a thorough understanding of the human DNA if indeed they were able to attune the King’s chamber to DNA frequencies. Is it possible that something as simple as sound frequencies can be used for DNA healing? Let’s hear what Russian science has to say about the subject today.