(1) Fritjof Capra, 1975, ‘The Tao of physics’
Chapter 1
(1) Predictions of the future, Nostradamus and the millennium, John Hogue, 1987
(2) Official site of A.R.E.: www.edgarcayce.org
(3) The year zero, Wiek Lenssen http://www.jurafilm.nl/yearzero.html,
'De Maya-profetieën; Het verhaal achter de film The year zero', Wiek Lenssen,
ISBN 90-75636-45-8. (Dutch only)
Chapter 2
(1) The holographic universe, Michael Talbot, 1996, ISBN 0 586 09171 8, pg 52
(2) Amit Goswami: The visionary window, a quantum physicist’s guide to enlightenment, ISBN 0835607933
(3) Trialogues at the edges of the west, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna, Bear& Cy Publishing, 1992
Chapter 3
(1) Institute of Noetic Sciences : www.noetic.org
Edgar Mitchell : www.edmitchellapollo14.com
(2) Lynne McTaggart 2001, ‘The Field’, ‘The quest for the secret force of the universe’ (ISBN 0 7225 3764 6). www.wddty.co.uk/thefield
(3) Stuart Hameroff , quantum consciousness, www.quantumconsciousness.org
(4) William Tiller : www.tiller.org
(5) Hado effect: www.hado.net
Masaru Emoto ’s website: www.masaru-emoto.net
(6) Beliefs animate the power of prayer, Randall Fitzgerald: www.phenomenamagazine.com
(7) Deepak Chopra ; Quantum healing; exploring the frontiers of mind/body
Medicine. 1998. (ISBN 055305368X)
(8) Global Consciousness Project http://noosphere.princeton.edu/ (9) Cosmic Vision, The Dawn of the Integral Theory of Everything,
Ervin Laszlo 2004, ISBN 90 202 8359 6 and
‘Subtle Connections: Psi, Grof, Jung, and the Quantum Vacuum’
(10) Ingo Swann, remote viewing: www.remoteviewer.org/remoteviewing/swann.htm
Pravda news ‘CIA’s remote viewers initiated quest for WMD in Iraq’:
(11) Amit Goswami : www.swcp.com/~hswift/swc/
Chapter 4
(1) Hall Puthoff: www.earthtech.org
(2) Lynne McTaggart 2001, ‘The Field’, ‘The quest for the secret force of the universe’ (ISBN 0 7225 3764 6). www.wddty.co.uk/thefield
(3) Ode magazine: www.ode.nl/backIssue.php?oID=115
(4) David Willcock: www.ascension2000.com , Convergence III chapter 2
(5) You can change the world, The Global Citizen’s Handbook for Living on Planet Earth, Ervin Laszlo, 2003, SelectBooks NY, US, appendix IV.
(6) Tom Bearden website: www.cheniere.org
(7) Robert A. Patterson : http://quantumgravitics.tripod.com/
(8) John Hutchinson: www.hutchisoneffect.org , www.hutchisoneffect.com
(9) Steven Greer, Disclosure Project: www.disclosureproject.org
Chapter 5
(1) Sacred Geometry, Philosophy and practice, Robert Lawlor,
(ISBN 0-500-81030-3)
(2) The ancient secret of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek, volume I
(ISBN 1891824171)
(3) The ancient secret of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek, volume II.
(ISBN 189182421X)
(4) World mysteries website: www.world-mysteries.com/mpl_2.htm
(5) See (₃)
(6) The Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock, chapter 4, www.ascension2000.com
(7) Notre-Dame de Charters, The enigma of the labyrinth, many authors, translated by Malcolm Miller. Booklet for sale at the Chartres cathedral.
Chapter 6
(1) Genesis of the Cosmos, The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation,
Paul La Violette PhD, ISBN 1-59143-034-8
(2) Wave structure of Matter, Milo Wolff, http://www.spaceandmotion.com/
(3) Quantum EtherDynamics Institute : www.quantumetherdynamics.com
(4) Occult Chemistry, The nature of matter,
Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant
(5) Daniel Winter www.soulinvitation.com
Heart Coherence Team www.heartcoherence.com
(6) NASA Goddard space flight centre: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/features/news/20jul04.html
(7) Scientific American, Black Holes, Nr 3 June-August 2005, Dutch edition
(8) National Geographic: news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/04/0425_020425_universe.html
(9) European Space Agency: www.esa.int/esaSC/SEMR53T1VED_people_0_iv.html
(10) Robert Grace:www.rgrace.org/126/131toroiduni.html#131.1
(11) Enterprise Mission, Richard Hoagland : www.enterprisemission.com
(12) Vortexiajah, Ananda, phoenix.akasha.de/~aton/ phoenix.akasha.de/~aton/VORTEXIJAH.html
(13) Daniel Winter: www.soulinvitation.com
(14) David Wilcock, the Divine Cosmos, chapter 1: www.ascension2000.com
(15) Jacques Benveniste: www.digibio.com
(16) Sound Energy Research, www.soundenergy.net, www.clusteredwater.net
(17) Cosmic Vision, The Dawn of the Integral Theory of Everything,
Ervin Laszlo 2004, ISBN 90 202 8359 6
Chapter 7
(1) Shift of the Ages, David Wilcock, chapter 12, www.ascension2000.com
(2) As requested by the researcher this links has been omitted.
(3) Ellie Crystal’s Metaphysical and Science website: www.crystalinks.com
(4) Carl Munck, Earth grid www.pyramidmatrix.com
(5) Magazine Atlantis Rising, number 45, May/June 2004 and number 49 January/Februari 2005
(6) Satellite Discoveries: www.satellitediscoveries.com
(7) Magazine Atlantis Rising, number 34, July/August 2002: www.atlantisrising.com
(8) Cyprus Atlantis Expedition, Robert Sarmast: www.discoveryofatlantis.com
(9) Forbidden History, Prehistoric Technologies Extraterrestrial Intervention and Suppressed Origins of Civilisations, J Douglas Kenyon, 2005, ISBN 159143045-3
(10) Pyramid website: www.gizapyramid.com
Chapter 8
(1)(2) Forbidden History, Prehistoric Technologies Extraterrestrial Intervention and Suppressed Origins of Civilisations, J Douglas Kenyon, 2005, ISBN 159143045-3
(3) Giza Genenesis, The best kept secrets Vol 1, Howard Middleton-Jones, James Michael Wilkie. ISBN 0971809828
(4) Giza decoded: www.aiwaz.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=6
(5) Light speed latitude, Jim Branson, www.gizapyramid.com/charles4.htm
(6) Atlantis Rising, edition 37, High Tech in the Great Pyramid
(7) Clive Ross, ‘The perfect alignment, www.clive-ross-giza.org/topics/topic_3.htm
(8) Genesis of the Cosmos, The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation,
Paul La Violette PhD, ISBN 1-59143-034-8
(9) Larry Pahl: www.greatpyramid.org
(10) Susan Alexjander, Our Sound Universe www.oursounduniverse.com
(11) The four fundamental frequencies of universal oscillation, Al Leone, www.gizapyramid.com.
Chapter 9
(1) The Biological Chip in our cells, Grazyna Fosar, Frans Bludorf, Vernetzte Intelligenz. www.fosar-bludorf.com
(2) The DNA wave computer, British Computer Society Cybernatic Machine Specialist : www.bcs.org.uk/siggroup/cyber/dna.htm
(3) Cosmic Vision, The Dawn of the Integral Theory of Evrything,
Ervin Laszlo 2004, ISBN 90 202 8359
(4) The DNA-wave BioComputer, Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf, Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
(5) Dutch magazine Intermediar, November 2004, edition 47
(6) The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation, Wynn Free, David Wilcock, ISBN 1583940839, 2004.
(7) Amit Goswami : The visionary window, a quantum physisist’s guide to enlightenment, ISBN 0835607933
Chapter 10
(1) Cosmic Vision, The Dawn of the Integral Theory of Everything,
Ervin Laszlo 2004, ISBN 90 202 8359 6
(2) Ray Tomas, Harmonics of the Universe www.homepages.ihug.co.nz/~ray.tomas/story.htm
(3) David Willcock: www.ascension2000.com, Divine Cosmos, chapter 7.
(4) The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan factor or, Demography, Seismicity And History Of Great Revelations In The Light Of The Solar-Planetary Synchronism,
Sergey Smelyakov, Yuri Karpenko, ISBN 966-7309-53-3.
(5) The ultimate secret of the of the Mayan Calendar :
(6) The last multi-turns of the spiral of time before it rolls up to appear in new reality
(7) Terrence McKenna and the Time Wave Zero, http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/
(8) Galactic Alignment, ‘The Transformation of Consciouisness, According to Mayan, Egyptian and
Vedic traditions’, John Major Jenkins, 2002, ISBN 1-87918184-3
(9) Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross
(10) The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation,
Wynn Free, David Wilcock, ISBN 1583940839, 2004.
(11) Planetophysical state of the Earth and life, Dr Alexey Dmitriev, www.tmgnow.com
(12) Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) : http://www.pparc.ac.uk/Nw/SgrA.asp
(13) Ananda, New Universe: http://www.akasha.de/~aton/NUWinds.html
(14) Sorcha Faal : http://www.whatdoesitmean.com
(15) David Wilcock : The Divine Cosmos, chapter 8
(16) National Geographic, Dutch edition July 2004, special about the Sun.
(17) Atlantis Rising number 49, January/February 2005, Will Hart, ‘Inside the solar window’
Chapter 11
(1) Stan Tenen, Meru Foundation : www.meru.org
(2) Daniel Winter : www.soulinvitation.com
(3) Giza Genenesis, The best kept secrets Vol 1, Howard Middleton-Jones, James Michael Wilkie. ISBN 0971809828
(4) Solfa Sound Therapy, www.solfasound.com
(5) Sound Energy Research, www.soundenergy.net, www.clusteredwater.net
(6) www.greatpyramid.org
(7) David Wilcock, Shift of the Ages, www.ascension2000.com
(8) Theomatics : www.Biblecode.com/theomatics
(9) The Gospels seen as sacred geometry literature, Daniel Gleason: www.jesus8880.com
Chapter 12
(1) Edgar Cayce’s Forgotten Recod of the Ancient America’, Gregory L. Little (August 2001)
(2) L/L Research: www.llresearch.org
(3) David Wilcock’s reading: http://ascension2000.com/12.07.02.htm
(4) The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, Will Free (ISBN 1583940839)
(1) Interview with Neil Donald Walsch, magazine Ode, number 84, March 2006
(2) Greg Braden, The Isaiah effect (Decoding the lost science of prayer and prophecy) ISBN: 1401903606, www.greggbraden.com
(3) A course in miracles: www.acim.org
(4)The law of attraction: www.abraham-hicks.com